Portland Economic Vision Board

Future Portland

Transforming our Island economy to deliver growth and jobs

In April 2015 the PCP undertook a public call addressed to Businesses and appropriate Community Groups led to an initial business breakfast at which the idea of a Business Led Vision group was proposed. This led to a number of individuals coming forward to support this and these are currently reflected in the Economic Vision Board Membership.

Rubicon regeneration were appointed as consultants and during May/June 2015 discussions took place with these members and others about the focus for an Economic Vision.

Economic Vision Group

In August 2015 the group was formally constituted and then set out proposals to consult on the emerging Vision document.

In January 2016, the private sector led Portland Economic Vision Board adopted the economic strategy for Portland 'Future Portland' Transforming our Island economy to deliver growth and jobs.

Download: Portland Economic Vision Document

Community Economic Development

The Economic Vision Work undertaken by PCP members was primarily orientated to attract inward investment to Portland. As part of a parallel strategy to improve community resilience PCP were awarded Community Economic Development Funds to further advance strands of work that had been identified.

The attached report summarises the position from these further actions have been taken however the development of a Charitable arm for PCP work was put on hold as the Charity Commissioners felt that the PCP's role was too aligned to working with local authorities. PCP is awaiting further progress around an appropriate governance structure which reflects the nature of work that is felt necessary.

Download: Community Economic Development Document

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